1,500 chairs for Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris


The manufacture of 1,500 chairs for Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is progressing in leaps and bounds. All the expertise of our journeymen is being rolled out to achieve excellence that is on a par with this prestigious place, where the chairs will be delivered in October.

The designer from Brittany, Ionna Vautrin, accompanies us at each stage by regularly visiting our workshop. Several media outlets have also come to capture the manufacture of this 100% Made-in-Landes chair. We had the pleasure of welcoming TF1, France 2, France 3, AFP, KTO, RTL, France Bleu, Ouest France, Sud Ouest, Le Pèlerin, TVPI, among others! Here is an example of a very comprehensive report broadcast by the TV channel, KTO:

Here are some other TV reports that might also interest you:
France 2 – Notre Dame des chaises haut de gamme pour la Nef
TF1 – Emotion et fierté pour des centaines d’artisans